Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Laser Resurfacing, Day Three

Last night I woke up itching like crazy. The pillow fabric was chaffing my face. I ran for the bathroom and sprayed off all my moisturizer with a cold shower blast, which helped tremendously. As soon as I dried off (gently, with a paper towel), however, the itching returned.

With no prospect of returning to sleep, I sat in front of the fan. This cooled my itching. At the same time, I listened to some excellent hard rock, which helped me forget about it. Mercifully, the itching subsided sufficiently within an hour to let me sleep once again.

I'm happy about this, actually, as it suggests that I'll start peeling in a day or two. If I don't, then at least I'm assured a fortune in future income, starring in horror movies.

You might be able to see a few white flakes on my chin, where the exfoliating process appears to be starting. I do wish I could shave! Even combing my hair is a risk, however, as I might scratch my forehead. I already sliced open my nose, as you can see, by scratching it with a fingernail. I'd rather not push my luck.

The redness is giving way to more black dots, as the necrotic skin is starting to scab. Disgusting, yes, but at least the sallow yellow fluid appears to have run its course. The camera is exaggerating a bit: I'm more reddish-brown, than red.

My cheeks and nose are still puffy, but less so than yesterday, as I can tell from the fact that the former no longer cloud my lower field of vision. Pain is zero, but itching is annoying. It feels like someone has deposited a thin layer of wool over my face. Now if only I could peel it off from one of the corners...

Incidentally, I've been reading a lot online about the merits of various machines. I think it's safe to say that your machine of choice depends on (1) the condition you have, (2) the money you're willing to spend, and (3) your pain tolerance. I looked to the MiXto for the erasure of brown spots and faint lines, for which it is well suited and moderately priced, based on the many photos I've seen. However, if you have deep scars, for example from acne, there may be a better option for you. For one, Fraxel Re:pair is supposed to the state-of-the-art these days. For my condition, though, I was uncompelled by the photos I saw, compared to MiXto. So just remember to mentally filter the photos for your specific condition. And definitely read blogs like mine, so you know what to expect from the procedure and recovery. (I'm actually thankful that I couldn't find a MiXto blog. Otherwise, I would never have had the courage (blind ignorance?) to penetrate 300 microns!)

Today's glamour shot:

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